the average number of new
on the platform this month


sessions one therapist has
per month


new clients one therapist has

per month

What you get


Activate your profile and get new customers. Choose your experience field and start growing your practice.

Manage your profile activity whenever you want.

Personal brand

Get your own landing page without the hassle of development.

Participate in the recording of videos, podcasts, and articles if you wish, and we will make sure you are heard.


We are with you when you need us.

We help you solve any issue, whether it's assistance with your profile, accounting or technical support.

Average estimated earnings with Clearly

* as 40 hours per week

This numbers can be even higher with your experience

What our therapists say

I have been working with Clearly for only six months, and all this time I have been thinking: "Where have you been before?"

Smooth and clear onboarding that allows you to present yourself;
excellent communication between manager-client-therapista convenient planner for me as a psychologist and very useful reports.
Kudos to the managers who are in touch literally 24/7 and help solve many organizational issues.
I feel like this platform actually cares about my requests and it’s a miracle.

I also like the company's transparent financial policy.
Thank you for the opportunity to work and find long-term clients easily in such difficult times!

Sarah Miller

As a psychologist, I can note excellent operation of the platform in case of technical problems, full customer support and, most importantly, the provision of a large number of payment methods for the client, each of which is accompanied by a receipt for the service provided. And last but not the least — the clients.

I joined Clearly when almost a half of my regular clients suddenly decided to stop their therapy. Thanks to Clearly, I managed to fill my practice back in just two weeks!

For me, Clearly is like a colleague who always reminds me of appointments, payments, and those formal issues that I might not have paid attention to. I am glad to be a part of Clearly and can confidently recommend it to my colleagues - both young and experienced professionals.

Helen Biguetti

The first impression of our partnership with Clearly is good.

What sets Clearly apart from other mental apps is the team. The communication with Clearly and their pace of growth gives you the feeling of being a part of team of professionals who care about what they do and how the do it. I can see how fast the platform becomes bigger, just within the first month of work.

New handy features arrive and I can see how it eases my work in real-time.

I share their values and appreciate the attention to details and this gives me hope that mental health online has its future.

Evelyn Robinson

I like working with Clearly.

The platform protects not only the interests of the client. I can feel the support of my own interests, which I am very grateful for.Payment is sent quickly, the money is never delayed.

For me, as a psychologist who has a full schedule and a maximum workload, it is convenient to manage my schedule in the app.

Feedback from Support team is always fast and productive.

Thank you for your cooperation and I confidently recommend the platform to my colleagues and to those people who want to find a therapist.

Olivia Garcia

Our requirements

Higher education

Psychology, medicine or social studies

Practical experience 2+ years

Private practice and supervisions participation

Certification in your method

Starting from 400 hours

Valid payout method of your country residence

How to get started

Submit your application
50 minutes
Get approved
3 days
Start receiving clients
Set up schedule

Questions & answers

How is payment made?
Can I pay after the session?
Are there any other ways to pay for the session?
If I pay in advance, what are the guarantees that I will not be cheated?
Can I cancel/postpone an appointment?
How can I get a refund?
How should I prepare for the session?
Where will the online session take place?
How will the specialist contact me?